

Hey, what up?

So…. I started a new blog. It’s nothing personal. I have been having some frustrations with WordPress for a while. There are some limitations on what I can do without shelling out the moola to do it. I’ve been quietly snooping around for a different hosting site, trying to find one that is still free for my cheap self, but gives me a little more freedom with the blog.

I have also always felt a little awkward posting non-H related stuff on this blog and I find myself wanting to write about more things that I am interested in. I have dearly loved HSquared, but it is time to move on. It’s not you, it’s me. No, really. It’s totally me.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this blog, please hop over and follow my new baby. I think it’s going to be even better.

Thanks, WordPress. It’s been real.

For those of you who haven’t watched The Jungle Book 157982378457 bazillion times, the movie starts off with Bagheera the Panther volunteering to take a very reluctant Mowgli back to the man village. Proof that I have seen this movie too much? I didn’t even have to look up how either of those names are spelled (though the girls on insist on saying “Mow-ga-li”). The first night of their trip, Bagheera shoves Mowgli up into a tree to sleep, but the are found by Kaa the Python who attempts to hypnotize Mowgli so he can eat him. Bagheera wakes up in time to stop Kaa who then becomes angry and directs his hypnotic gaze on Bagheera. Mowgli comes out of his own catatonic state in times to thwart Kaa again, who slithers away angrily (FUN FACT! Sterling Holloway voices Kaa and he is also the original voice of Winnie The Pooh and the Cheshire Cat). Mowgli slaps both of Bagheera’s cheeks urging him to “Wake up, Bagheera. Wake up!”

This is acted out in great detail at least once a day. And I try desperately to make sure I am not cast as Bagheera, because little hands aren’t as gentle as they think they are.

baheeraThey act out everything. From movie scenes, to conversations in books we read on a daily basis. Hazel has mastered her Baranstain Bears imitation and will sit at meals reciting the books to herself. Haley will spontaneously burst into songs from Frozen, The Jungle Book, and Snow White. Their versions of what we watch and read are my favorite.

I don’t know how I feel about this whole two year old thing. One minute I absolutely love it and it’s my favorite age and the next I feel like I’m going to strangle them. And everyone says three is worse! But I love this series of posts because it reminds me of all the funny, quirky, wonderful things they say when I’m about ready to collapse from exhaustion or when I feel like my brain is going to explode if I have to break up one more fight.

PS. Momma, I am so sorry for the times I messed with Kathleen just to get her upset. I had no idea what I was doing to you, I really just wanted to piss her off.

photo(2)while playing Hazel.

Hazel: (as her character) I have to go potty! (moves her toy to my cheek).

Me: Is my face the toilet?

Hazel: Yes!


Haley: I need my microphone glass.


Haley: Sissy, may I use it?

They say may when they are asking for something. It makes me melt. I love how polite they are.


Me: I’m scared.

Hazel: No, you not scared. You brave.


Haley: I’m fixing the table. There. All clean.


Haley: Is that me again? Oh, I so sorry!

Me: What happened?

Haley: I toot and poop again. I toot and toot and toot!


Me: Is it time to get out of the tub?

Haley: No, I just fell a little bit.

Me: Okay, well, five more minutes and then you need to be all done.

Haley: Okay, I just going to relax a little bit.


Haley: Bye, snail! Thank you, snail!


Me: What are you going to do?

Hazel: I come see you and roar. ROAR!


Me: Hazel, that is not listening. That is called being defiant.

Hazel: ROAR!

Me: Exactly. It took all the self control I have not to laugh when she did this.


Taking Stock

{credit to Jess @ mybabybirds}

making: Meals. I feel like someone is always hungry these days.

cooking: Nothing tonight, but I have a recipe for buffalo chicken spaghetti squash that I have high hopes for.

drinking: It’s spring, which means I will have white wine in the fridge from now until September. Though in tonight’s case it’s rose.

reading: My Uncle Oswald by Roald Dahl. Did you know he wrote books for adults too? MUO is all about sex, but it’s not dirty. It’s entertaining and a little like reading a trashy magazine.

wanting: New jeans that fit and don’t turn into a serious case of saggy butt an hour after I put them on.

looking: for some extra reserves of patience.

playing: my brother bought me Robert Downey Jr.’s attempt at a musical career. I haven’t listened to it yet. Mainly because if it isn’t kid’s music it doesn’t get played in the house. I have to remember to leave it in the car.

wasting: too much time on social media during nap time.

sewing: I finally cut out the pattern for the girls’ minnie mouse dresses. Now I just have to go buy fabric.

wishing: that I had more courage.

enjoying: white chocolate peanut butter. You have no idea.

waiting: for payday so I can go buy paint for the guest bedroom.

liking: the way Hazel’s hair is laying today.

wondering: if I will ever follow through with getting something published.

loving: the sunny weather. It’s such a comfort after so much rain.

hoping: that this summer is as magical as I hope it will be, as I want it to be.

marveling: that one of my nearest and dearest friends is spending the money to come see me this summer. I’m such a lucky girl.

needing: a haircut.

smelling: all the smells of spring in the country that are coming through the open windows. 🙂

wearing: workout clothes. What else is there?

following: Jess @ littlebabygarvin.com. Her blog is so pretty.

noticing: that as much as I like sleeping in, our mornings are happier when I wake up early, have coffee, and workout before the girls wake up.

knowing: that 5 am is going to come really soon and I should go to bed now.

thinking: if I can sneak in a glass of wine before bed.

feeling: exhausted, but happy and content as well.

bookmarking: patterns for dress up clothes for the girls.

opening: my eyes. Seriously, today was exhausting (in a good way), but still exhausting.

giggling: over the silliness that ensues when my parents and the girls are combined. I love the four of them together. My world is rarely more perfect than when we are all together.




Making: beds. always.
Cooking: chocolate no bake cookies
Drinking: sunset margaritas
Reading: Gone for Good (sidebar link)
Wanting: more time
Looking: for signs that our garden didn’t die from the cold night temperatures.
Playing: dance party with Anna
Wasting: food
Sewing: yea right…
Wishing: for wine with a friend
Enjoying: Carl Doy
Waiting: for nap time
Liking: that Margo has been sleeping better at night
Wondering: if chalk pain is a worth it
Loving: pastel and wood bathrooms
Hoping: to find a good Dr. for Anna’s surgery
Marvelling: at local habits
Needing: a haircut
Smelling: ‘Man Town’ by Yankee Candle.
Wearing: tank tops and leggings
Following: Ben Sasso’s blog
Noticing: I need a tan
Knowing: I should relax more
Thinking: summer fun
Feeling: a little frumpy
Bookmarking: Caramel Apple Pudding
Opening: containers of rice milk
Giggling: at Anna and Margo wrestling
Feeling: content – See more at: http://mybabybirds.blogspot.com/#sthash.0Y0QVKsv.dpuf
Making: beds. always.
Cooking: chocolate no bake cookies
Drinking: sunset margaritas
Reading: Gone for Good (sidebar link)
Wanting: more time
Looking: for signs that our garden didn’t die from the cold night temperatures.
Playing: dance party with Anna
Wasting: food
Sewing: yea right…
Wishing: for wine with a friend
Enjoying: Carl Doy
Waiting: for nap time
Liking: that Margo has been sleeping better at night
Wondering: if chalk pain is a worth it
Loving: pastel and wood bathrooms
Hoping: to find a good Dr. for Anna’s surgery
Marvelling: at local habits
Needing: a haircut
Smelling: ‘Man Town’ by Yankee Candle.
Wearing: tank tops and leggings
Following: Ben Sasso’s blog
Noticing: I need a tan
Knowing: I should relax more
Thinking: summer fun
Feeling: a little frumpy
Bookmarking: Caramel Apple Pudding
Opening: containers of rice milk
Giggling: at Anna and Margo wrestling
Feeling: content – See more at: http://mybabybirds.blogspot.com/#sthash.0Y0QVKsv.dpuf

Oh, potty training. How you filled me with hope and dread all at the same time.

I did the naked weekend approach the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after the girls turned two. It was also the weekend that we got a ton of snow and were stranded at home anyway. so that worked out nicely. It actually went pretty well. Hazel caught on quickly and by the second day was going to the training potty whenever she had to pee. Getting her to poop in it took a while. She would hide and go on the floor and then come and get me so I could clean it up. 🙂

Haley would sit, but needed to be directed to sit. Reminding her was never enough.

Me: Haley, do you need to go potty?

Haley: No, I okay.

Every. Time.

So, we came out of the naked weekend with one girl mostly potty trained and one reluctantly kinda, sorta only-if-you-stayed-on-top-of-her trained. We even had successful trips out of the house to the park, the library, and play dates. I was feeling fairly confident that our diaper days were numbered (I was still using diapers for nap and night time).

Two weeks late, it was like someone slammed on the breaks. Haley would start to cry if I even mentioned the potty and Hazel couldn’t have cared less about where she peed, but they both still wanted to wear their underwear. It was so frustrating. I started a three strikes, you’re out policy. They got a choice in the morning between diaper and underwear. If they chose underwear they had it sit on the potty and if they didn’t want to, or had three accidents in a row, they went into diapers. It worked, a little, but it was exhausting and they eventually went back to being in diapers 100% of the time. And you thought I was being overdramatic calling this a saga.

I don’t know what happened. Maybe I tried to train too soon. but they were showing all the signs of being ready that I had read to look for. Eh. I guess it doesn’t really matter. Hazel is potty trained as far as poop is concerned. She rarely has a bowel movement (in case anyone is getting sick of the P word) in her diaper anymore. Over the weekend Haley suddenly started going in the potty again. Much to my surprise, she was dry when she woke up yesterday, asked for underwear, and in the potty all day with only one tiny accident.

I guess the point of this post is just to say that I’m following their leads. My sister-in-law said potty training clicked for Eva when she was about two and a half. Maybe the same will happen for the H’s. But if having twins has taught me anything, it’s that no matter how much I plan and organize if the girls aren’t ready, it ain’t gonna happen. And that’s beginning to be okay with me. We’ll get there when we get there.

What’s that phrase? April goes out like a lion? Is that right? Well, whatever it is about April dumping rain all over everything, it was definitely true for the last part of the month. It was almost constant and occasionally it would stop and the sun would come out and you would sigh and think that finally it was going to be possible to take the kids outside to play and then… it would start raining again.  Yes, I am a bad Oregonian. I do not enjoy the rain, as a rule. There are exceptions, but mostly I do not like it and I give a cheer when it goes away for a while.  And it’s gone until Sunday.

PicMonkey Collage

There’s nothing that gets us girls more excited some sunshine and an afternoon spent outside.


Also, it’s so easy to get pretty pictures of the girls when the sun is out. I have been dying to take some sunny pictures of the ladies in their dresses for a couple of weeks now. I feel like they are growing up so fast and if I don’t start taking some good pictures then I’ll have missed something. Haley will even tell me “I growing too fast, Mommy.” And I say “yes, you are, Haley”.


I wish I could remember who this poem is by, but this black and white of Hazel makes me think of it.

And the riverbank sings

Of the waters of March

It’s the end of despair

It’s the joy in your heart


I got so excited about the sun that my paste-y, paste-y legs came out.


14I’m trying to make a bucket list for this summer. The problem I ran into last year was that I had all these things I wanted to do, but I didn’t write them down and before I knew it the summer was almost over or I missed the dates for events that I wanted to go to. I want to go to Oaks Park, the beach, the lavender festival, berry picking, but I know there are lots of other things going on. Does anyone have any recommendations?

16Haley took this picture. Kinda. But she was very insistent about taking a picture by herself. So all I did was hold the camera and help her press the button. She was so proud.

17And, of course, little sister had to have a turn. But, y’all, this was the stillest Haley has held for a picture in her entire life. I love these girls.

[Our neighbor has about nine pygmy goats. Goats who get out and into our yard at least once a day. They are harmless and runaway if the girls so much as look in their direction.]

Hazel: No, goats! Stop eating mine grass! That ours!


[I hear this all the time. From both girls, but Hazel started it. They want to know the title of every single song they hear, which is great because they can tell me when they want to hear a certain song, but exhausting when they ask it three times in a row for the same song.]

Hazel: What that song is?


Haley: Calm down, dear. Tell what’s happened?


Haley: Daddy, you funny?

Ken: Yes, I’m funny.

Haley: Haha. You think so.


Hazel: Go ‘side right now! One, two, three… [Give you one guess who she’s imitating here.]


Hazel: I can’t find my head, sissy.

Haley: Don’t worry, I find your head! Here’s your head.


Hazel: [whenever Ken coughs] Easy, Daddy, easy. I got you.


Hazel: Follow me, Daddy.

Ken: Where are we going?

Hazel: Um, I don’t know.

Me: Hazel, say ‘don’t ask silly questions, daddy’.

Hazel: [haltingly] Don’t ask silly questions, Daddy. [with authority] Now, come on!



Apparently today is my anniversary with WordPress, which means I’ve been doing this little blog thing for two years now. That seems crazy, but then I have to two year olds, which is even crazier. 🙂

We have had some insanely busy weekends lately. It seems like we’ve always had something schedules for at least the last month, if not more. This weekend wasn’t really any different, though the busy schedule belongs to Ken and not to our family as a whole. As the school year winds down and graduation starts to cast it’s momentous shadow over the land he is going to be a very busy guy. I am trying to squeeze in family stuff where I can. This past week for example he was home Monday and Tuesday night, gone Wednesday, home Thursday, but was sick so I don’t feel like that counts, gone Friday night, will be gone tonight, and is working most of tomorrow. That’s a lot of time away from his girls.  And a lot of time for the girls to be away from him. I feel like if we go and do things then we are able to focus more on spending time together whereas when we stay home dishes/laundry/housework/fixing things all seem to weasel their way into our focus.

There’s a little… amusement park, I guess, just south of Salem called Enchanted Forest. I have very found memories of going there as a child. It’s quaint and little, but still entertaining for young kids. As Ken put, it’s Disneyland Lite. 1 Beware: there are very few pictures of the girls faces. Getting them to look away from everything and at me was a challenge, but I’m also a little obsessed with the back of their heads at the moment. I cannot begin to explain why. There’s something about their blonde heads next to each other (YES! They are both blonde now.) that I just adore. Like they are constantly in cahoots with each other.

2FYI, this park is exactly the same now as it was 20 years ago.

3I love that the girls are still free when we go to things like this. I am going to be a sad momma when they turn three and we have to pay admission for them.

4See? Two blondie bears. I miss Hazel’s brown hair. The blonde is beautiful, but I was in love with how dark her hair was when she was born.  I’m still interested to see if Haley’s hair will darken like everyone thinks or stay brown. With how much the girls like to be outside and summer just around the corner, I pretty confident I will still have two yellow haired girls in the fall.

5Peeking in Snow White’s cottage. I love this. They adore Snow White and Hazel was walking around singing “heigh ho, heigh ho, heigh ho, heigh ho”. They also had the dwarves cave to walk through with black light and colored rocks and a vignette of the dwarves working away. And then there was this.

PicMonkey CollageHaley refused to go in. Ken and Hazel went, but when I asked him what was inside, he couldn’t remember.

6How gorgeous is Oregon in the spring?!?! Yes, it is a little chilly, and wet for what seems like an endless amount of time, but it is beautiful. And in my secret heart of hearts I think I would miss the rain if we ever left. But don’t tell anyone. 🙂


9Their first (kinda) ride! I’m having Splash Mountain flashbacks looking at Haley’s face. Now I understand why my mom loves that family photo so much. This is a winner. I am going to keep it forever and ever and use it for their high school graduation, wedding, and any other important life events that require a photo slideshow.

There is also a western town, and a medieval village, but I quickly forgot about taking photos because I was enjoying having fun with the girls and I didn’t want to hassle with the camera. They do have some rides. One is a Matterhorn knock off that Haley is tall enough to ride, we didn’t try it, but I do want to go back and see what she thinks. Hazel needs to grow an inch before she can go on it, or I need to buy her cowboy boots before we go back. There was also a log ride, but the height requirement was 42″. And then there was a kiddie section with bumper boats, a mini ferris wheel, a frog hopper, and (ding ding ding! we have a winner!) a little train. Which they loved and wanted to ride again and again and again.

10Have I mentioned lately how much she loves her daddy? They have such a great bond and it makes me so happy that he has someone who loves him best of all. Especially after going through a very mommy-centric phase (which Haley is still in, by the way), it’s nice that there is a girl for both of us.

After the train ride, we only had four ride tickets left. Which was just enough for Ken and Hazel to go in the haunted house. The creepy, run down haunted house. I still cannot believe Hazel went in with him. But Ken was saying he really wanted to go in and Hazey piped up with an I go too, Daddy. They walked up the stairs to the house together. About halfway up a werewolf howled and Hazel stopped on the steps and looked up at the house. Ken asked if she still wanted to go in and she said yes, bless her little heart.


If you follow me on Instagram then you’ve already seen this picture. The haunted house is right next to the Western Town.

Haley and I parked it on a bench near the exit and munched on popcorn and dried cranberries while we waited.

12She came out in Ken’s arms, but wasn’t in tears or even seemed to be afraid. Ken said she flinched once when something moved and watched most of the house with her head resting on his shoulder. I’m so proud of her. She’s so brave and I’m so happy Ken has a kid to do the haunted house/roller coaster stuff with, and that I have a someone to keep me company while they are gone.

13We left pretty quickly after that because the girls were starting to get tired and a little over stimulated and Ken is still recovering from a nasty cough. I think we will definitely go back at least a couple more times this summer, I know my mom really wants to go with them, and I would like to try some more of the rides. They do live outdoor performances of fairy tales as well and I think that would be fun to get the girls use to the idea of going to the theater.

Does anyone have suggestions for other lesser known things to do this summer?

Happy Easter

This was the Easter I was hoping for last year. You know, when Haley had a temperature and was an absolutely miserable mess. This year was different. This year everyone was healthy, the girls were excited, engaged, and absolutely loving all the fun that comes with holidays.

1Their baskets were pretty low-key. I learned my lesson at Christmas. It doesn’t take much to keep them entertained and if I try to show them too many things they get overwhelmed. So, it was just little things and then Snow White for them to share (which we are watching while I write this). After they went through their baskets, we did a trail egg hunt in the playroom to practice for later. What’s that, Mom? You want us to go pick up eggs with candy in them? Don’t have to ask us twice!


3Ken’s parents had flown in on Saturday and so after the girls ate as many jelly beans as they could sneak past me, we loaded up and started the two hour-ish drive to his sister’s house. I think this was the first holiday Ken’s entire family has been together for in maybe four years? Maybe five. Certainly since all the grand-kids have been born.

The girls were really excited to see everyone. They love their cousin Eva something fierce. We didn’t waste too much time before letting them go into the backyard for another egg hunt. I think these photos speak for themselves, so I won’t slow anyone down with my words.




9And then this is probably my favorite picture of the day:

15This caption for this photo is: Touch my candy and you die.

I did put aside most of my food issues (hooray!) and eat lots and lots of yummy food that I normally don’t eat. It was glorious! I loved every bite, but I am definitely feeling a little food hungover today (is that a thing?).

16I did miss getting to see my family, but my mom did babysit the girls Friday night so Ken and I could go to Cirque Du Soliel (amazing!!!) and the girls got Easter presents from my mom that night. They had so much fun that they didn’t even say anything about missing me the next morning. The first thing they said was “Where Gramma go?”. I’m chopped liver.  But I’m okay with that.


19Hazel helping Ken fly the remote control helicopter his dad had. She loved it. I have back yard envy. There’s a fence, it’s safe, and it’s small enough that I could see the girls from inside, but large enough that they had plenty of room to run. Sigh. Someday.

I hope everyone had a great Easter, as well!



Haley: Um…  yeah.

Hazel: Um, no.

Haley: Um, yeah, sissy. You do like pancakes.

Hazel: Thanks, sissy!


Turning to look in the potty after she got done pooping.

Hazel: Whoa! Big!

I have a 12-year-old boy’s sense of humor. I thought this was hysterical. She sounded so impressed!


We just taught the girls how to do the Marco Polo call and response. We use it at the playground mostly, when one of them goes into a play structure where it’s hard for us to see them. It’s really cute. What’s even cuter is when they do it with each other, because then it usually ends up being something like this:

Haley: Marco!

Hazel: Polo!

Haley: Polo!

Hazel: Marco!


Haley: Hello, what you doing?

Hazel: Twirling.

Haley: Oh, can I do too?

Hazel: Sure!


Haley: giggle I naughty.

Me: You’re naughty?! Why are you naughty?

Haley: Because I being a stinker!

Hazel: I stinker too! And piglet.


Ken: Are you a wild child?
Haley: No, I a girl name Haley.


Hazel: Don’t eat my banana, Daddy! Eat you banana.

Lovely Little House

On Home Improvment

The Quest for Perfection

Taking Treat from "meh" to "Ohmuhlord"

The Adventures of Raising Owen Christian

All about a stay-at-home mom raising her first kid in Portland, Oregon

Kathleen Writes Things.

“Nothing in the real world is as beautiful as the illusions of a person about to lose consciousness.” — Haruki Murakami

Young House Love

Home Decorating & DIY Tutorials