
Posts Tagged ‘yummy’

A couple of months before Ken and I got married, my Aunt Lauri threw me a bridal shower. It was at her beach house and just some of the girls from my dad’s side of the family. It was low-key, mellow, and fun because I still believe no one knows how to do fun like Aunt Lauri does.

One of the gifts I got during that shower was from Lauri and it was a recipe box. Inside she had collected some recipes from various women in the family, one of them was a recipe from my step-grandma. It was one of those recipes where when you look at it you can’t possibly imagine that the combination of ingredients could produce anything that would taste even close to good. Not even in the hemisphere as good. I made it out of sheer curiosity. It’s actually pretty damn good.


Don’t judge. I’m well aware it sounds disgusting, but trust me, I would not recommend gross food and I’m the first person to admit when I make a bad meal. I end up just mixing the dressing, the preserves, and the soup mix in the casserole dish I’m doing to cook it in and then shimmy the chicken around in it until it’s got some coating. I will say, this makes a TON of sauce that I have yet to figure out what to do with.


Have I mentioned how much I love the kitchen in our new house? It gets so much light and my pictures look so much better than they use to.

5The girls even got in on the action. Though they wouldn’t eat the spinach because if it’s not surrounded by scrambled eggs or covered in cheese, then they don’t like spinach. And they wouldn’t eat the chicken because the only meat they eat is sausage, but the rice was a big hit and I keep plodding along with offering them different foods and making them at least taste everything on their plate.

Do you have any recipes that sound gross but are actually really good?

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